Hellblade senua's sacrifice - bringing reality into game

Hellblade senua's sacrifice is dark fantasy action-adventure game.
Published by ninja theory whose notable works are DMC: devil may cry, Enslaved: Odyssey to the west and heavenly swords.Hellbalde senua's sacrifice gives you a unique experience of psychological horror and also combat experience.

Watch the trailer of the game here.

There are stages where you need to solve puzzles in order to move forward. The puzzle doesn't keep on repeating like old fashioned games but keeps on improving with new puzzle details which give a different experience. Which makes the player not only think in combat experience but also in terms of strategy. Ninja theory has used the element of psychosis in this game. The player will feel like how the person with psychosis goes through while playing this game. To properly execute the concept of psychosis, ninja theory team had to work with the neuroscientists. They worked on the audio in such a way that player while playing games with headphone will literally feel like someone came closed and whispered in their ears. They used the binaural audio recording to position the voice so that it could give such effects. It is best played with headphone to get the complete experience of psychosis.

The developers established it as an independent aaa game. The game was built with a team of 20 developers led by writer and director tameem antoniades. The game has won the Bafta game awards 2018. The game also has a feature such that if the repeated amount of death in the game could lead to resetting the whole game from the start. So you need to survive more with less death so as to complete the game. It is worth playing and available only in digital distribution for ps4, X box and steam.

There are certain levels where you will get different feelings since the developer had worked in unique details for each level. You might experience many effects like horror, illusion, confusion so be ready to experience it while playing it. The best scene and combat experience are in the ending which will give you goosebumps for sure. I won't spoil what happens in the ending but it's worthwhile to complete the game. This game is inspired by Norse mythology and Celtic culture, the character senua has to make her way to helium in order to save the soul of her dead lover from goddess hella while fighting other godly entities.

Each boss will give you unique experience of combat along with some thrills for sure. the only drawback which I found in the game was that the gameplay is roughly seven to nine hours which is lesser than other average aaa games. Graphics are really good, even though its independent aaa game, they tried to make realistic graphics like assassin creed origins. the game has sold a million copies on all platforms till now.

So I suggest you should buy this game only if you like playing psychological horror and puzzle games these games are meant for you. Even hack slash players can play these game.This was the experience what I got from it, let me know your reviews about the game.In the comment section below.Also, I have given a link to the best music in the game,people who have played might understand why it was best music (ending music)😁

For the music
Check out the video below 

Ending fight music

End credit music


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